Friday, July 27, 2007
Trip Around The World
Vancouver ---> Paris
Paris ---> Istanbul
Istanbul ---> Cape Town
Cape Town ---> Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro ---> Oahu
Oahu ---> Melbourne
Melbourne ---> Hong Kong
Hong Kong ---> Bangkok
Bangkok ---> Vancouver
My Flights
Vancouver ---> Los Angeles
Los Angeles ---> New York
New York ---> Paris
Paris ---> Istanbul
Istanbul ---> Cape Town
Cape Town ---> Johannesburg
Johannesburg ---> Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo ---> Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro ---> Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo ---> Lima
Lima ---> Los Angeles
Los Angeles ---> Honolulu
Honolulu ---> Melbourne
Melbourne ---> Hong Kong
Hong Kong ---> Bangkok
Bangkok ---> Seattle
Seattle ---> Vancouver
The price for all of these flights is between $5647 and $7454 US dollars.
I will leave from Vancouver Airport for my 62 night trip around the world.
In Paris I will stay in the "Geoffroy Marie Opera Hotel"
Room Price: 50 Euros/night
Length of Stay: 10 nights
Total Price: 500 Euros ($723.48 Canadian)
In Istanbul I will stay in the "Vardar Palace Hotel"
Room Price: 42 Euros/night
Length of Stay: 8 nights
Total Price: 336 Euros ($486.10 Canadian)
In Cape Town I will stay in the "Cape Town Ritz"
Room Price: 800 Rand
Length of Stay: 10 nights
Total Price: 8000 Rand ($1,197.93 Canadian)
In Rio de Janeiro I will stay in the "Atlantis Copacabana Hotel"
Room Price: $94/night
Length of Stay: 10 nights
Total Price: $940 Canadian
In Honolulu I will stay in the "Sharton Princess Kaiulani"
Room Price: $211US/night
Length of Stay: 12 nights
Total Price: $2532US ($2683.56 Canadian)
In Melbourne I will stay in the "Adelphi Hotel Melbourne"
Room Price: $84
Length of stay: 10 nights
Total Price: $840 Canadian
In Hong Kong I will stay in the "Harbour View International House"
Room Price: $81
Length of stay: 4 nights
Total Price: $324 Canadian
In Bangkok I will stay in the "Woraburi Sukhumvi Hotel & Resort"
Room Price: $31
Length of stay: 8 nights
Total Price: $248 Canadian
After Bangkok, I will arrive home in Vancouver.
TOTAL COST OF HOTELS ---------> $7443.07
Pricing & Tourist Attractions
---> Eiffel Tower = 11.50 Euros
---> Arc de Triomphe = 3 Euros
---> Shopping Money = 500 Euros
---> Other Attractions = 50 Euros
---> Meals = 800 Euros
---> Metro (20 Times) = 30 Euros
TOTAL---> 1394.50 Euros ($2020.08 Canadian)
---> Public Transit = 50 Lira
---> Meals = 800 Lira
---> Other Attraction = 100 Lira
---> Market Money = 400 Lira
TOTAL---> 1350 Lira ($1,105.94 Canadian)
Cape Town
---> Safari = 2200 Lira
---> Meals = 1000 Lira
---> Attractions = 200 Lira
---> Shopping Money = 200 Lira
TOTAL---> 3600 Lira ($540.01 Canadian)
Rio de Janeiro
---> Meals = $1000
---> Shopping = $225
---> Attractions = $75
---> Transit = $15
TOTAL---> $1315 Canadian
---> Meals = $1130
---> Shopping = $250
---> One Day Car Rental = $150
---> Atractions = $100
TOTAL---> $1630 US ($1,729.63 Canadian)
---> Meals = $1000
---> Attractions (In Melboune) = $60
---> Daytrips (On to Sydney, One to Perth)= $500
TOTAL---> $1560 ($1,411.75 Canadian)
Hong Kong
---> Meals = $350
---> Shopping = $200
---> Attractions = $50
TOTAL---> $600 US ($626.70 Canadian)
---> Meals = $500
---> Attractions = $50
---> Shopping = $100
---> Day trips to Islands = $150
---> Tranportation = $25
TOTAL---> $825 Canadian
Scenario of a Lifetime.
Planning 10
I liked the presentations in this course. I also enjoy that we could work individually at our own speed and we could talk and discuss things with our friends.
2. What did you like the least about this course? (other than the teacher)
I didn't like having Tiga in the class with us. I felt the him sleeping distracted form the learning environment. I'm just kidding by the way, this class the pretty good and I didn't really dislike anything, well except for the quizzes but you kind of have to have quizzes ro get marks.
3. What would you change to make it better?
I wouldn't change this course. It felt like we covered everything and that we had enough time to do everything. I'm so glad that I took it during the summer.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Mini (BC)
House (Halifax)
Mini (Grand Prairie)
Life Costs.
During University I would have to make $67,000 to maintain my university lifestyle. To maintain my current lifestyle after university I would have to make $73,500.
The way you live. Your habits, your attitude, your standards and your economic. All thing that influence your way of living.
2. Do you want a better lifestyle then you have now, when you are independent from your parents?
I would love to keep the lifestyle I have right now after I move out of my parents house. Of course I would ideally love to live even better but living the same way I do now or with a bit less as well would keep me perfectly happy in my later life.
3. Do you think you can provide yourself a lifestyle as good as you have now?
I definitely think that there is no way that I could provide myself with with the lifestyle I have right now. I might be able to live the way I'm living right now once I establish a career and have a steady well paying job. After I move out though, there is almost no way that I would be able to start out living the way I do now with my parents.
4. How much do you cost your parents every month?
My parents probably spend about 850 dollars a month on me. They pay 30 dollars for my cell phone and about 300 dollars for my food. They pay almost 200 dollars a month for my swimming and 50 a month for my elite athletes training. My parents also pay 40-50 dollars a month in my allowance and around 200 dollars in miscellaneous stuff (ex. school supplies, movie tickets, clothes...)
5. How is your Post Secondary School going to be paid for?
I have a saving account that has enough money to get me through at least my first couple years of university or college. After that my parents will probably pay for any more education I need. I will probably have to get a job so that I can contribute to the cost but my parents will probably pay for most of it.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
1.Virus or Bacteria: Bacteria
2. Curable of Not: Can be cured with antibiotics (Normally one dose)
3.How do you get it?: Can be passed during unprotected oral, anal and vaginal sex
4. Symtoms:
Women: Burning while urinating, Abdominal or lower back pain, Increase pain during menstrual cycle or during sex
Men: Itching of the penis, Pain while urinating, Pain or swelling in teh testicles
1. Virus or Bacteria: Virus
2. Curable or Not: Uncureable
3. How do you get it?: Through vaginal, anal and oral sex. (Oral sex is very low risk)
4. Symtoms:
Women: Constant weight loss and fatigue, Night sweats, Loss of appitite
Men: Symtoms are the same for men and women
1.Virus or Bacteria: Virus
2. Curable or Not: THere is a vaccine but no cure so far
3. How do you get it: Skin touching in the infected area can spread HPV
4. Symtoms:
Women: Iching/Burning from genital warts, Anexiety/Fear, Sexual Difficulties
Men: Smae symtoms
1.Virus or Bacteria: Bacteria
2. Curable or Not: Can normally be treated easily by antibiotics
3. How do you get it: Unprotected oral, anal and vaginal sex. It can also be given from a mother to a baby during birth
4. Symtoms:
Women: Burning during urination, Rectal pain, Vaginal bleeding or pain
Men: Discharge from the penis, Burning during urination, Painful/Swollen testicles
1.Virus or Bacteria: Virus
2. Curable or Not: No sure but there is medication to control outbreaks
3. How do you get it: Is spread with skin to skin contact (wheather in sex or not)
4. Symtoms:
Women: Itchiness of genitals, Small blisters on genitals, Painful Urination
Men: Same as women
Hepititis B
1.Virus or Bacteria: Virus
2. Curable or Not: There is a vaccine agaisnt Hep B but there is no cure
3. How do you get it: Through anal, oral or vaginal sex, Through shared needles or from a infected mother to her baby
4. Symtoms:
Women: Tireness, Aching joints, Nausea
Men: Same as women
%: 97
Pros: Only birth control that prevents STIs
Cons: Can break, guys complain about sensitivity, can be allergic to latex
STI Protection?: yes
Condom (Female)
%: 95
Pros: Only contraseptive controlled by girls that protects them against STIs and pregnancy
Cons: Many do not insert it right, expensive
STI Protection?: yes
Oral Contraception
%: 99.9
Pros: most effective, regulates menstrual cycle, completely reversible
Cons: Doesn't stop STIs, May have side effects
STI's?: No
Day After (Emergency Contraseption)
%: 99
Pros: Can be used after sex (Within 3-5 days)
Cons: Cannot stop STIs, Can cause side effects
STI's: No
%: 99
Pros: Can prevent pregnancy for up to 5 years, reversible once removed
Cons: Periods can be worse, Can cause bleeding or a hole in the uterus
STI's?: No
%: 97.8 - 100
Pros: Easy, Permanent
Cons: May swell after surgury, Man may regret desision and reversal doesn't always work
STI's?: No
%: 79 - 94
Pros: Prevents pregnancy, infections and pectic inflamitory disease, Can protect you against some STIs like chlamydia
Cons: Messy, Only effective for about an hour, Increses risk of HIV transmission, Can be allergic to some ingredients
STI's?: Prevents some but makes HIV transmission more likely
%: 99.7
Pros: Reversible, Stops body from releasing egg all together
Cons: Can cause bone density loss, Have to go to a docter every 3 months for injection, Does not protect agaist STIs and HIV
STI's?: No
%: 81
Pros: Better than nothing
Cons: Difficult to get the timing right, There can be sperm already on the penis
STI's: No
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
- Sexual Activity; Activities associated with sexual intercourse
Purpose of Sex
- Procreation
- To become 'One' with partner
- To get pleasure
- Satisfy psychological need
- 37% if teens are waiting until they get married to have sex
- 20% of teens 15-17 have reported having intercourse at least once, by age 20-24 this increases to 80%
- 41% of males 15-17 have reported having more than one sexual partner in the previous year
- 29% of females 15-17 have reported having more than one sexual partner in the previous year
- Average age both male and female have sex for the first time in Canada: 16.5
- 30% of grade 9 students and 54% of grade 11 students used the pill last time they had intercourse
- 29% of males 15-19 and 44% of males 20-24 do not use condoms
- Young women who take a virginity pledge are about 40% less likely to have a child out of wedlock when compared to similar young women who do not make such a pledge
- Teenagers who drink alcohol are more likely to have sex than youths who do not drink
- Heavy alcohol use tripled the likelihood of teenager sexual activity amoung white males
So What Can Be Considered Sex?
Depends on Personal Values:
- Culture and Religion
- Peers
- Parents
STI's Are Acquired By...
Contact with:
- Blood
- Semen
- Vaginal Secretions
- Oral Sex
- Vaginal Sex
- Anal Sex
- Sharing Needles
Best Ways to Protect Yourself
- Abstinence
- Test Before Sex
- Condom Use
- Dental Dam Use
- Open Communication With Your Partner
- Reduce Number Of Partners
Rights of Passage
- Drivers License: 16
- Sign up for military service: 16
- Right to vote: 18
- Legal drinking age: 19
- Age of consent: 14
Does it make sense?
1. How is the legal age of consent contrary to our societies beliefs?
At the age of 14, you are not fully educated about sex. You are also probably not mature enough to handle sex.
2. Should this be a legal issue or hould it just be a moral issue?
Rules of Sex
- With consideration of 3 main purposes of sex and legal ages for the other rights of passage, create a set of 5 ruels to follow before sex can be engaged in.
- From what age should these rules be applied?
Teenage Pregnancy
1. What would you do if you were pregnant?
If I got pregnant while still in high school I would most likely put the child up for adoption. I couldn't kill the unborn baby and not let the baby live because that totally goes against my belief that everything should have the right to live. I would have to put it up for adoption because there is no way that I would be able to properly care for a baby, unless I dropped out of high school. I think that my education need to be complete and the baby needs to be raised by people who are at the right stage in their lives for a baby and that maybe can't get pregnant and really want to have a child.
2. Would you tell the baby's father? Why or why not?
I would tell the baby's father. I would have to because hopefully he would support me with my pregnancy and help me through it. I would hope that he would be there for me but if he wasn't then there wasn't any harm in telling him.
3. How would having a child affect your life?
Having a child would affect my life in many ways. It would be an emotional blow to have to give up the child. It would be hard being pregnant at school and it would definitely not be a confident booster. It would also be hard for the rest of my life because I would never know what had happened to my child.
4. How would you feel about giving your child up for adoption?
It would be hard to give my child up for adoption but I know that is what I would have to do. I would be sad to see my child go to another family but I would know that it was the best thing in the long run.
5. How would you feel about keeping the baby and raising it?
It would amazing having a child but it would also be a HUGE responsibility and right now I wouldn't be ready for that. Having a child would affect everything I do. I would no longer be able to swim and hang out with my friends. I would have to be home looking after the baby.
6. Would you marry the baby's father?
I might marry the baby's father but not because we had the baby. I wouldn't let the fact that we now had a child be our reason for marrying. It would have to be that we were both in love. I wouldn't marry a guy just because of a baby but that's not saying that I wouldn't marry the father if we both loved each other.
7. How would your parents feel if you were pregnant?
My parents would be disappointed in me for having sex and getting pregnant when I was still in high school. They know that I'm not ready for the responsibility of having a baby and would probably try to get me to put it up for adoption.
8. How would your friends feel about you if you were pregnant?
I think my friends would stick by my side, even if I was pregnant. I hope that they would be there to support me and help me get through this time.
9. Would you want to keep seeing the baby's father?
It really depends on the situation. If the father was willing to help me during my pregnancy and was there for me I might want to keep seeing him. If he wasn't there and didn't want anything to do with me now that I was pregnant then, no, I probably wouldn't want to see him.
Male Perspective
1. How would you feel if your girlfriend were pregnant?
I wouldn't know what to do. I would probably be freaking out because I wouldn't want a baby. I would help her during the pregnancy but would definitely suggest that we put it up for adoption.
2. What do you think you and she should do?
I think that we should be three for each other. We should support each other and talk to both of our parents about the situation and figure out the best way to deal with it.
3. How would having a child affect your life?
Having a child would totally affect my life. It would be weird to have a kid and I am definitely not ready for one. It would also be weird to never know my kid if we gave it up for adoption.
4. How would you feel about giving your child up for adoption?
It would be hard never knowing my kid if we decided to put it up for adoption but adoption is probably the route that we would go. Neither of us would be ready for having a baby and if it was adopted, its new family would want a baby and have the financial means to take care of it.
5. How would you feel about keeping the baby and raising it?
I don't think I would be able to raise a baby. These are the best years of my life, in high school, and raising a baby would complicate everything. I'm not ready for all the responsibility of raising a child.
6. Would you marry your girlfriend?
I might marry my girlfriend if we were in love. If it was a one night stand or a short term relationship then no, I wouldn't marry her just because we had a baby. I would put the kid up for adoption.
7. How would your parents feel if they know your girlfriend was pregnant?
My parents would be disappointed in me for being reckless. They would help me get through it though and would be there for me.
8. How would your friends feel about you if they know your girlfriend was pregnant?
My friends would think that I was stupid for getting a girl pregnant. They would definitely tease me about it but they wouldn't be serious, they would stick by my side.
9. Would you want to keep seeing you girlfriend?
It really depends on whether or not we were in love. If we loved each other and wanted to keep the relationship going then sure, I have no objections to keep seeing the girl. If she was bitter about the pregnancy though I don't think I would be able to keep dating her.
Monday, July 23, 2007
- A chemical substance used for its effects on bodily processes
Why are teens and drugs a concern?
- Formative years where life time behaviors are developed
- Brain is still developing
- Willing to take bigger risks
- More trusting
- Desire to prove themselves
Harm Reduction vs. Just Say NO
- Assumes you will use at some point
- Wants to keep you alive
- Focuses on reduction of frequency
- Limiting quantity
- Restricting combinations
- Awareness of dangerous situations
How Do You Think Drug Use Has Changed Over The Years?
"Poly Drug Use"
- Use of one or more drugs together or in succession
How Alcohol Affects You Depends On...
- How much alcohol is consumed
- The time period in which it is consumed
- How much food is in the stomach
- Body Weight
- Experience
Alcohol Facts
- Binge drinking can lead to permanent brain damage
- Alcohol related accidents are the #1 killer of teens
- Alcohol poisoning occurs when you drink too much alcohol too fast, which can lead to coma or even death
- The younger you are then you start drinking, the more likely you are to have a problem with alcohol
- College students spend more on alcohol then on textbooks
- It takes an hour for your body to process each drink
Critcal Signs for Alcohol Poisoning
- Mental confusion, stupor, coma or person cannot be roused
- Vomiting
- Seizures
- Slow breathing (Fewer than eight breahts a minute)
- Irregular breathing (10 seconds or more between breaths)
- Hypothermia
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Fridays Quiz
- Demographics
- Globalization
- Technology
- Standard vs. Non-stnadard
- Economic Restructuring
Baby Boomers
- Baby Boomers by year 2005 will be:
- Be 41 to 60 years of age
- Be think of retirement
( How will the baby boomers effect employment in the years to come? When they retire there will be a whack of jobs for up and comers)
- Social
- Physical
- Mental
- Spiritual
- Intellectual
- Emotional
- Financial
Wellness Wheel.
(Fill in the spots and give an explanation for what it is.)
- Low self-esteem
- Drop out
- Eating Disorders
- Suicide
- Drug Abuse
- Anti-social Behavior
3 Causes of Self Destructive behaviour
- Biological
- Psychological
Self Abuse is an attempt to gain back?
They have lost control of their life. Others have taken it from them.
My Results.

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Light Skin compared to Dark Skin.
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Thin People compared to Fat People.

Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for Straight People compared to Gay People.

Your data suggest a slight association of Male with Career and Female with Family compared to Female with Career and Male with Family.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Eating Disorders
- Anorexia
- Bulimia
- Binge Eating
Causing Factors
- Biological
- Psychological
- Social
- Family, Friends
- Popular culture
- Traumatic Event
- Signifigant life change
Adonis Complex
- A type of body dysmorphic disorder or a preoccupation with slight or imagined defects in appearance in the case of muscle dysmorphia, the preoccupation focuses on muscles size
Negative Body Image Causes
- Means of getting control
- Abuse from others
- Traumative event
- Very often occurs in obsessive personalities
Wellness (Social)
- Self esteem
- Control
- Tolerance
- Understanding
- Diversity
What Happens
- Eating disorders
- Suicide
- Drug and Alcohol issues
- Dropout
Causing Factors
- Biological
- Psychological
- Social
Causes of Exclusion
- A bias is a preference or the sense of having a preference toward one particular belief, social group, idea , image or race
- The habit of attaching an uncritical, uncomplimentary or generalized label to a person based of race, gender, colour, age, sexual orientation... or other
- Repetitive persistent and untruthful types of speech qualify legally as harassment
- The belief in the superiority of one race over all others and thereby the right to a dominant place in society
1.What do stereotypes tell us about the group being stereotyped?
Stereotypes tell us that the group being stereotyped is probably misunderstood. The people who do the stereotyping probably don't know much about the individuals that they are stereotyping against and so to classify them in some way use stereotypes to figure out who they are. The individuals being stereotyped are most likely unknown to the person who is stereotyping them.
2. Provide examples of how bias and stereotypes affect your behavior towards others?
Bias and stereotypes affect my behavior towards others because I automatically create stereotypes towards certain people. I don't intentionally put them into a group of the population but it just happens.
3. Provide examples how you have been subject to bias and stereotypes.
I thankfully haven't been subject to very many stereotypes but I have of course been stereotyped a few time. People see me and think that because I'm blond that I am a complete bimbo. After knowing me they figure out that I am actually pretty smart and that I'm not your typical dumb blond. Another stereotype that I have had to deal with is the typical, boys are good at sports and girls suck. I'm a provincial level swimming and play a ton of sports, this stereotype isn't true about me at all. These stereotypes are pretty mild compared to some stereotypes because, after a person actually knows me they won't think these thing any more.
Blog Questions.
The topic of yesterdays presentation was about accepting people who are different then you. Whether they are of a different race, religion or sexual orientation. It talked about using common phrases that we don't really think about and how they can hurt people without reilizing it. In general we talked about acceptance of people who are not the same as us.
What did you think of yesterday's guest speaker and topic?
I thought that yesterday's guest speaker was probably very helpful. She seemed really approachable and had gone through a lot during her younger life in terms of being discriminated against because of race and sexual orientation. She really opened my eyes to how none of us are really different on the inside.
Did yesterday's guest speaker change the way you thought about people who are different than you?
I really don't see them as different any more. Sure, they have a different skin colour or different religious beliefs but that doesn't mean that we can't be friends. Even if they are gay or lesbian, that doesn't change who they are. They can still be a great friend and I'm not going to exclude them because they are different then me.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
- Social
- Physical
- Mental
- Spiritual
- Intellectual
- Emotional
- Financial
Holistic Lifestyle Questionnaire
Physical: 96.00
Sexuality: 96.00
Nutrition: 72.00
Emotional: 92.00
Self Care: 92.00
Intellectual: 68.00
Safety: 100.00
Occupational: 100.00
Environment: 84.00
Spirituality: 88.00
Overall Composite Score: 888.00
1. Prior to this exercise have you ever thought about your wellness? Which areas?
Prior to this exercises I have thought about my wellness. I have mostly thought about physical wellness because there is so much pressure about body image and so much pressure from my swim coach about getting in shape. I have also thought about nutrition because, after a talk from a nutritionist at the beginning of the year, I have come to realize that good nutrition is a key to success in any sport.
2. Which are your area(s) of greatest wellness and why do you think this is so?
My two highest scores are Occupational and Safety. I think that safety makes sense because I like to think of myself as a fairly safe person. If the Occupational one is about setting goals and trying to achieve them then, I understand why this is my highest. I am good at setting goals and meeting them. If I set a goals that I am determined to do, I will finish it, unless there is something that I can't control. I guess I understand both of my top two things.
3. Which is your area(s) of poorest level of wellness? Why to you think this is the case?
My poorest two levels of wellness and my Intellectual and Nutrition. My nutrition isn't that bad, it's just that I eat fatty foods and foods that are full of carbs everyday because I need the energy for my swimming. My intellectual level is really low and I don't really understand that because I get straight As and I think that I'm pretty smart. (Modest I know...) I don't understand my intellectual level but I understand why my nutrition level is so low.
4. That do you think you would need to do to make you results ideal?
To my my result ideal, I need to improve on my nutrition and only eat the fattier foods when I have to or as a treat. I also need to try and eat more fruits and vegetables in the winter and fall. I could also work on my environment and spirituality levels to improve my score.
Social Wellness
- Strong relationships with family and friends
- Able to resolve conflict between others
- Able to follow societies laws
- Do not actively exclude others
Physical Wellness
- Good diet
- Physical Excersise
- Proper rest
- Sense of purpose
- Genuine comfort with self and others
- Ability to show grtitude and generosity
- Life is more than the accumulation of material goods
Mental / Psychological
- Free of mental illness
- Able to cope with the stress in life
- Able to handle emotions
- Having a positive attitude
- Able to reason and solve social problems
- Actively seek and find mental challenges
- Able to find help when faced wioth intellectual problems
- Look for opportunities for intellectual growth
- Understand different aspects of intelligence
- Have support of others in ones life
- Able to understand your emotion reactions to situations
- Able to provide emotional support to others
- Not afraid of your emotional responses
Interview Questions
I am an intelligent and dedicated worker. I enjoy working with others and contributing my opinions to help ensure a success for the team. In my experience, I have learnt that it is best to keep an open mind. This is why I approach all opportunities as if they could define my future. I always try to have an un-biased opinion on new people and new experiences.
2. What specific goals, have you established for your life?
My life goals are fairly simple. I would like to, in the future, have a well paying steady job and enjoy my work. I hope that I will be in a good relationship whether I am married or dating. I hope that I can find a balance between my work and my personal life.
3. Please describe the ideal job for you following graduation.
My ideal job is one that I could use both my math and science skills but also use my creativity. I want to be able to enjoy myself while at work but also have to think and make decisions every day. My ideal job would be well paying and would allow me to work and enjoy the rest of my life as well.
4. How do you determine or evaluate success? Give me an example of one of your successful accomplishments.
I define success as achieving something that you have been working towards, in other words achieving your goals. Goal setting is a great way of measuring your success. I know that when I set a goal for myself and achieve it, it feels great. On of my biggest successes would probably be when I first qualified for provincials in swimming. I had wanted to get to provincials for a couple of years and after two new coaches and some hard work, I finally got my qualifying time. The feeling I got when this happened was defiantly a feeling of success.
5. What has been your most rewarding accomplishment?
My most rewarding accomplishment was finishing my grade 8 piano exam with the royal conservatory of music. This was a huge accomplish for me because I had been working towards it for 9 years and the last few months before my exam were a real struggle. I no longer enjoyed piano and didn’t want to practice or use up my time. Once it was over though, I was glad that I had completed my exam but was glad that I was done. This is probably my most rewarding accomplishment.
6. Are you more energized by working with data or by collaborating with other individuals?
I am defiantly more energized when I can work around people. I enjoy human interaction and think of myself as a people person. When I complete a job that makes someone happy it gives me a great feeling.
7. How would you describe yourself in terms of your ability to work as a member of a team?
I think that I work well in a team. I can contribute my ideas and it doesn’t hurt me when they are rejected. Know that sometimes I need to step down and compromise when making a decision but if I believe that my idea could really move the decision forward, I will continue to negotiate my point. I sometimes go to far though and I know that I probably should have stepped down. I can follow the lead of another person and I can also lead groups as well. My abilities to work as a team player are, I believe, good.
8. What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?
I am motivated most by challenges. If I don’t believe I can do something or someone else doesn’t believe that I can accomplish something I will be more motivated to get it done. I want to prove to them that I can and that I will. This is probably my biggest motivator.
9. Describe what you’ve accomplished toward reaching a recent goal for yourself.
I have worked towards my goal of straight As in my grade 10 school year by trying to work hard in Planning 10 by completing all my assignments and studying for tests.
10. Can you describe your long-range goals and objectives?
11. What do you see your self doing in 10 years?
I can see myself have just complete post-secondary education in the past few years and be trying to find myself the best job that I can. I can see myself working in a field that I enjoy and that uses my skills to the most of their potential.
12. How would you evaluate your ability to deal with conflict?
I think that I can deal with conflict fairly well. I try to find the compromised route in most arguments. I won’t say that I’m perfect though because I defiantly lose my temper in some arguments. I’m trying to learn how to control my extreme emotions in some situations and am getting better at keeping them to myself and trying to see things from the other side’s point of view.
13. Tell me about a major problem you recently handled. Were you successful?
14. Would you say that you can easily deal with high pressure situations?
I would say that I can deal pretty well with high-pressure situations. As long as I can stay focused on what I have to do to get out of the situation I will be fine and able to complete my task. If I start to freak out about something, then I will most likely be able to calm myself down and focus. There are, of course, times when I can’t control myself and I will freak out.
15. What quality or attribute do you feel will most contribute to your career success?
I think that the fact that I never give up until I accomplish what I set out to do is probably my best quality in terms of career success. I love the feeling of completing a job well and will finish every project that I start and I will do it well.
16. What personal weakness has caused you the greatest difficulty in school or on the job?
My biggest difficulty in school has been that I tend to procrastinate when I am not looking forward to doing something. This has caused many late night cram-sessions.
17. Describe the characteristics of a successful manager.
A successful manager would be a great leader and be able to assign responsibility to others. They would also listen to other people’s suggestions and input not just their own. They would be a team player and want to best for all members of their workers.
18. Tell me what you know about our company. (Whole Foods)
I know that your company is the biggest world-wide retailer of natural and organic foods. I know that as of this year you are the number 5 best place to be employed by and that you have very high standards about what you sell and who you employ. I know that the customer is the most important person in your company and that your company believes in shared fate and self-responsibility on the job.
19. Why did you decide to seek a position in this company?
I would like to gain experience in the retail and sales industry. I have also heard from many people that Whole Foods is a great place to work. I’ve heard that your company has the best working atmosphere and that the employees are treated well. I think that it would be an amazing place to start my work experience.
20. Which is more important to you the job itself or your salary?
Both of these things are important to me. The job, of course, is very important. If the job is enjoyable and is in a good environment then I wouldn’t mind being paid less because my time at work would be much more pleasurable. I’m not going to say that I don’t care about the salary as well but that is not as much of an issue to me as the environment that I’m working in.
21. Describe the most significant or creative presentation that you have had to complete.
22. Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done.
I have had to do more then my share of work in many group projects. Not necessarily to get it done, but to get it done well. If I wanted, during school, to get an A on a group project I would normally have to do more then my share of the work to achieve this.
23. Give an example of how you applied knowledge from previous coursework to a project in another class.
24. Describe a situation where other you were working on a project with disagreed with your idea. What did you do?
25. What are your standards of success in school? What have you done to meet these standards?
My standards of success in school are doing the best I can in every subject. I want to push myself to not settle for anything less then my potential. I completed all my assignments and studied for tests. If I didn’t do as well as I would have liked to on a test then that would just make me try harder on the next one.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Erin Brockovich
Erin made quite a few mistakes. She talked about how interested she was in different careers bot only the lone she was applying for. Also, she didn't even know the right study that she said she was really interested in, she said she liked geology, the study of maps. She also shared a lot of personal information that she didn't need to. She should have been more prepared so that she didn't have to ramble about personal and irrelevant stuff.
2. What are the roadblocks to gainful employment that Brockovich faced?
Brockovich faced many roadblocks in this movie. She has three kids that need looking after. She has no post-secondary education that could potentially help her in getting a job. She also didn't have much money, she needed to find a steady job and couldn't spend any time in a very low paying job or getting more education. She doesn't dress like a successful business person, this may have influenced whether or not her employers respected her. These are some of the road blocks that Erin faced when looking for a job.
3. Discuss the importance of creating a life situation for yourself which allows you to follow a career path of your choosing.
It is important to set a path to achieve what you want to do for your career. You need to know what you want to do for your career and what you have to do to get there. If you want to become a lawyer, you will probably need to go to law school. To go to law school you will probably need to get an undergraduate at a university and to do that you need to graduate high school with good grades. This plan would be a good one if you wanted to become a lawyer. Depending on what you want to be you would need to figure out the best route to achieve your goal career.
4. Why was Btockovich successful?
Brockovich was successful because she was persistent and she stood up for what she believed. Erin never gave up through out this whole movie. She kept on trying to improve her life even when everything looked down. Erin had passion in her work as well. She new what she wanted and stood up for everything that she thought she should. She wanted to help her clients and she didn't care about the consequences for her actions. She wasn't afraid to say what was on her mind even if it meant saying things to people she probably should not have said.
The Skilled Life
I would be a decorator/painter. This career still stays along the same lines as what I would eventually like to do, architecture or interior design. A decorator/painter hangs wallpaper or paints walls. They also fix walls and prepare them for decorating by priming, sand blasting, scraping and sanding. I would choose this job because it could help lead me into a job in architecture or interior design. I would also enjoy finishing the job and being able to use my creative side when helping my customers into finding the perfect paint/wallpaper and the perfect finish.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
What does WCB do?
- Create safety standards
- Regulate safety standards
- Enforces safety standards
- Educates workers about rights
- Handles workers injury claims
Number of Claims (2003)
- 120, 470 claims
- 170 fatal claims
- $ 908,353,308 in injury claims
Top 7 Injury causes
- Lifting Objects (sprains, strains or tears)
- Working at high elevations (sprains, strains, tears or fractures)
- Working with knives (cuts or lacerations)
- Working with Hot substances (burns)
- Using mobile equipment (sprains, strains, tears or fractures)
- Working with food slicers (cuts or lacerations)
- Working near running machinery (cuts, lacerations or fractures)
Reasons Young People Don't Make Claims
- Afraid to lose job
- Intimidation from supervisors
- Afraid of looking foolish
- Unaware of their rights
- had no idea they even could
Labour Market Information
- Demographics
- Globalization
- Technotogy
- Standard vs. Non Standard
- Economic Restructuring
Demographic Changes
Baby Boomers - People are getting older and we are having a lot of retirements. Because of these retirments we are going to have a ton of job openings. There will also be a lot of opportunities for creative ideas for helping the elderly. Medical jobs will also boom because of the large need for medical care.
- Globalization of trade means freer and more intense worldwide trade across national borders
- Technology is the biggest factor making globalization possible
- 90% of the world population will live in developing countries by the year 2005. Goods for consumption will be munufactured there.
Provide services in the form of expertise and knowledge, to aid countries.
The 'Big 5' in Services
- Trade
- Health Care
- Food & Accommodation
- Professional &Rechnical Services
- Education
BC's Fastest Growing Industries
- Electrical & electronic manufacturing
- Business services
- Financial services
- Communication services
- Transportation equiptment manufacturing
- Plastics
Educational requirements for future jobs in BC
- Some High School (13%)
- High School Completion (14%)
- Other Post-Secondary (50%)
- University (23%)
Things to study
-Goals (what is a SMART goal, how do you write a goal)
-Personal Work Profile (general questions, "From the quizzes you have taken what sort of area can you focus on for your career")
-Grad Program Info. (credits, required courses etc.)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
- Follow Your Heart
- Access Your Allies
- Remember: Change Is Constant
- Don't Forget: Learning Is Lifelong
- Focus On The Journey
Finding The Hero Within
You need to find out who you are. Find out how you can finish the sentence, "I am...". Have conversations about your career goals with lots of different people. Also, reflect to times when you were proud of yourself.
Journey To The Mayor's Office
You need to be inspired. Find a job that interests you and uses your best skills to your advantage.
Open-Minded Olympian
Don't just focus on the destination, you'll miss the journey. Pursue anything that interests you and go for it.
Network Your Way to Success
Let everyone you know that you are looking for a job. Even after you get a job, continue to network, it is key to know people that could potentially help you later on in your working life. The more people you know, the more likely to hear about cool opportunities and hidden jobs.
Pursuing Your Target. Where to Start
It is important to have long term goals for inspiration. Do quality work, people will notice.
Keys To Jumpstarting Your Career
- Pursue your passion
- Consider enrolling in a leadership or career-management program in your community
- Make contacts and gain experience by volunteering for an organization that interests you
- Learn all you can from those around you
- Be open to new opportunities
- Let family and friends know you're on the lookout for a job. Someone may know of an opening and be able to recommend your name
- Research resources available to you
- Make connections with people in the industry you're most interested in. Join a mentorship program in your area
Connecting to Passion
It's all about passion. Don't hesitate to take an amazing opportunity. Always check the career path that you are on to make sure you are passionate about what you do.
Essential Skills
No matter what career path you choose you will need quite a few if not all of these skills to excel in the work force:
- Reading
- Numeracy
- Writing
- Oral Communication
- Working with Others
- Computer Use
- Continuous Learning
- Thinking
- Document Use
Tomorrow's Hottest Jobs
None of these jobs interest me a lot. All of these career choices seem to be fairly boring. I know that we need financial planners and undertakers, but I don't think I would ever become one. Going for one of these jobs is kind of going against my career goals.
b) How is the employment boom mentioned in the article good for you?
The employment boom is good for people from Gen X and Gen Y because by the time that we are ready to enter the work force a lot of the baby boomers will have retired and there will be a major need of workers in all the jobs that they are leaving.
c)How could this boom be a bad thing?
There may not be enough younger people to fill in the opening positions. This could cause more company flattening. Even though companies like IBM have gone from 15 levels of management to 4, it could continue. If there are too many baby boomers retiring and not enough Gen X and Gen Y to fill their spots, companies can lose more employees and have to cut out more levels of management.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Screts of Grade-A Students
- Enjoy learning
- Parents that nourish and support kids curiosity
- Learn everywhere, not just at school
- Good research skills
- Disciplined
- Likes to put their ideas forward
- Wants to know how they can improve
- Leadership
- Can rely on themselves and others
- Believe that they can do it and are excited
2. Do the academic goals you have set out for yourself, contain or reflect any of the 'secrets' of academics success mentioned in this section. If so explain how. If not, how could you change your goals to incorporate the 'secrets' mentioned?
My academic goals sort of reflect the 'secrets' of academic success. My main goal for next year is to keep my straigh A's. This goal contains the 'secrets' to success because I will need to do the 'secrets' to achieve my goal.
Job Future
My career goals are to enjoy my work, make a fairly good or high income and find a balance between work and the rest of my life. My main focus is to enjoy my work and find balance in my life. I want to be able to enjoy my whole life, not just the hours I spend away from the office or workplace. One of my other goals is to make a good income. This is important to me because I want to live a nice life style. I know that money can't buy happiness but I've been brought up living a very nice life style and I would like to continue that once I have a stable job after all my schooling.
2. If you don't have a specific career goals, what types of occupations interest you?
I'd like to do something that involves working with people, using my brain and being creative. Some jobs that have interested me are an arcitect or an interior designer. Both of these jobs involve creativity and working with people. Being an arcitect would also let me use my mathematical skills and would let me solve problems everyday. These are just a couple of the jobs that I have considered but I am sure that their are many that I would enjoy.
3. Did you discover any new occupations to consider by doing these quizzes? Which ones?
I didn't really discover any new occupations during the course of taking these quizzes. I learned about some job opportunities that I would probably never pursue but I didn't really find any new jobs that I would actually consider as my future profession.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Touching the Void
The goals used in climbing the mountain were both short term and long term goals. Simon and Joe had the long term goal of climbing a mountain that no one had ever climbed before. They will have had this goal for months before they actually started the climb, while they were preparing and training. The mountain climb also involves a whole bunch of short term goals. For instance, where they are going to get by the end of the day, that they are not going to get injured during the days climb or that they are going to melt 3 cups of water. All these goals lead up to the end result of actually climbing the mountain.
2.What types of goals are involved in Joe's decent?
The goals in Joe's decent are mostly short term goals. He would make goals of getting to a certain rock or piece of ice in 20 minutes or half and hour. For the short period of time he would push himself to reach his goal. There was of course his ultimate goal of reaching the bottom of the mountain and the base camp as well. Joe never would have made it that far if he hadn't set all his short term goals of reaching a different spot every few minutes.
3. Would you have cut the rope? Why or why not?
I think I probably would have cut the rope. I could sit here and tell you that I would be decent and die with him/her but I don't think that is the truth. I know I sound horrible when I say that I would cut them off but in a dire situation like that I might just do it. After about 5 days of climbing and facing minus 80 degree weather I wouldn't be thinking straight either. I would probably assume that my partner was dead and wouldn't be able to think of the consequences of cutting them off. I wouldn't realize how horrible it would be to face their family after the fact and how awful it would be to have to live the rest of my life knowing that I almost defiantly killing one of my friends. Sitting here with a clear mind and thinking straight I would never cut my friends off but on a mountain, in minus 80 degree weather and not thinking straight I probably would have done the same thing as Simon.
4. Look at the statements made by Joe below. What truth about life does each hold? Feel free to use scenarios to help explain your answers.
a) "What I had to deal/face with was so big I could not deal with it."
This statement made by Joe is very true about life. In life there will be situations where what you are dealing with is just too much for you to handle, life is always going to throw you huge challenges that you need to learn to overcome. Whether it was the lose of a loved one and a disaster in their home or personal life these times normally leave people feeling completely overwhelmed.
b) "I had to keep making decisions whether they were right or wrong."
This statement talks about how no matter how your life is going you have to keep making decisions to keep you life moving forward. Whether your choice is a good or a bad one, it is still better then being indecisive and not moving forward.
c) "I was so scared of going deeper but I had to do something."
This statement talks about making hard decisions in your life. Making a big change is always hard but you have to keep moving forward, you can't just sit still in the same place forever and not accomplish anything. For example, going to university may be a huge change and you have no idea how it will turn out. You have to go for this change though because you can't live at home forever and you hope that in the end university will help your life move forward.
d) "I couldn't blindly hope things would get better."
This statement talks about how you can't just hope things in your life will just fix themselves. If there is something that you aren't happy with then you need to figure out how you can change that part of your life and fix it. You need to plan out how you are going to make a change for the better and improve the thing that you aren't happy with. Also, you can't expect someone else to be there to fix it for you. As a kid there is normally someone there to help fix whatever problem you may have but as you grow up, they all become consumed in their own problems as well. You have to learn to deal with your own problems because there will no longer be someone there to fix them for you and they won't just fix themselves.
5. Why is climbing a mountain used as a metaphor to describe life?
Climbing a mountain is used as a metaphor to describe life because they are similar in many ways. First, they both have their up and downs, mountains, of course have tons of little ridges and crevices, and life, has many good and bad things to throw at you. Second, both are unpredictable, mountains are wild places where you don't always know what will be around the next corner, life is the same way. Last, both mountains and life are hard on the way up and harder on the way down. On a mountain climb, you start with an easy hike to the base camp, you start your climb and you think that it is the hardest thing. Then you start your descent. As Simon said, "90% of mountain accidents happen on the way down." The climb down if the hardest part. When you finally arrive at the base camp you are exhausted and most likely injured or sick. The final hike down from the base camp is long and slow, and then your climb is done. Life is the same way. You start of with a few easy years, your childhood, where you don't have all the worries or stresses of adulthood. As you start elementary school and high school, this is like the climb up the mountain. You think it's hard and though but you haven't seen what the real world is like. You get your experience in the real world as an adult on the climb down. This is the hardest part of life. You have your job and maybe a family to take care of and you need to balance it all to make sure you don't fall. Finally you most likely retire as you grow older. This is you back at the base camp of your mountain of life. You are probably not in the best shape at this point and you take a while to get back to where you started at the beginning.
6. Even the best laid educational or career plans can come to a disastrous end. What do you have to do to ensure your career plans don't die on the mountain of life?
To avoid a disaster in your career plans you need to be prepared for anything. As long as you continue to set goals in your career and you plan your future well enough you will have done just about everything that you can do to prepare yourself for what is to come. If something does happen that you weren't planning on you just need to react the best you can. Just like the laws of physics, for every action that life and fate throws you, you need to have a equal or greater reaction to that to keep your life and career goals on track.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
- Make Junior Nationals next year
- Get straight As
- Make top 25 at provincials
- 33.0 in the 50 back by November
- Have a good collection in next years fashion show
Why do we make goals?
- Organize & Focus our efforts
- Measure your success
- Identify your failures
- To help make new goals
Areas In Your Life you Use Goals For.
- Education
- Career
- Finances
- Relationships
- Sports
- Health
Two Basic Types of Goals.
- Short Term ~ No longer then one year, Stepping stones towards your long term longs, Frequently you are unaware of them.
- Long Term ~ Final destination, The result of short term goals, you are usually aware of them.
What are some problems teens have with setting goals?
- They have no idea what they want
- The goals they have are frequently not their own
- They don't know how
- They simply don't care (Just like many adults)
Good Goals Should Be...
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Achievable
R - Realistic
T - Timely
Goals in 8 Easy Steps
- Make sure your goals are something you want
- Make sure your goals don't contradict one another
- Create goals for all areas of life
- Write goals in positive terms
- Write out your goal in detail
- Make sure your goal is high enough
- Your goals should be based on past experience
My Short Term Goals
Education - Get Straight As for first term
Career -
Finances - To find a way to make money
Relationships - To avoid arguments with my mom
Sports - To make Junior Nationals.
Health - Get in better shape