Your Result (Skin Colour)
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Light Skin compared to Dark Skin.
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Light Skin compared to Dark Skin.
Your Result (Fat vs. Thin)
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Thin People compared to Fat People.
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Thin People compared to Fat People.

Your Result (Straight vs. Gay)
Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for Straight People compared to Gay People.
Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for Straight People compared to Gay People.

Your Result (Male vs. Female in Career)
Your data suggest a slight association of Male with Career and Female with Family compared to Female with Career and Male with Family.
Your data suggest a slight association of Male with Career and Female with Family compared to Female with Career and Male with Family.
1. Is the analysis right or wrong? Why do you think so?
I think this analysis is mostly right. I definatly do have a slight preference to light skinned people and a moderate preferance toward thin people, I just cant help it. I don't know if the slight association with males and careers is really what I think though. It might be because of the society that we live in but I'm used to having the woman work full time and the man be at home or work part-time. As for my slight preferance for straight people, I think this might be right, I don't know enough gay people to be really sure.
2. Where do you fall in the Table of Averages?
For the results on skin colour I fell into one of the two highests scores (27%). In the fat vs. thin results I was in the highest average group (27%). In the straight vs. gay results I fit into the 4th highest group at 16%. In the association of males vs. females in career, I am in the 3rd highest group at 20%.
3. Is it possible that you have biases which you are not aware of?
It is possible to have biases that you are not aware of. You can have biases that you have always had and you don't even reilize that it is a bias. These may be biases that your parents have or that your lonf-tiomes friends have that you have accepted and never questioned whether or not it was actually a bias.
1 comment:
good, I would have liked a bit more of and answer for the questons however. 10/12
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