Monday, July 9, 2007

Screts of Grade-A Students

1. List all the 'secrets' of academic success you can find in this section.

- Enjoy learning
- Parents that nourish and support kids curiosity
- Learn everywhere, not just at school
- Good research skills
- Disciplined
- Likes to put their ideas forward
- Wants to know how they can improve
- Leadership
- Can rely on themselves and others
- Believe that they can do it and are excited

2. Do the academic goals you have set out for yourself, contain or reflect any of the 'secrets' of academics success mentioned in this section. If so explain how. If not, how could you change your goals to incorporate the 'secrets' mentioned?

My academic goals sort of reflect the 'secrets' of academic success. My main goal for next year is to keep my straigh A's. This goal contains the 'secrets' to success because I will need to do the 'secrets' to achieve my goal.

1 comment:

Alt Educator said...

# 2 answer was a bit weak 5/6